βš’οΈGoogle Service Accounts

SEO Utils uses Google Service Accounts for multiple tasks like submitting index, checking/submitting index for URLs, or pulling data from Google Search Console (GSC) to do some advanced tasks that the GSC dashboard doesn't provide to you.

Create a Google Service Account

Step 1

Visit the Google Cloud Console at https://console.cloud.google.com/ and create a Project if you don't have one.

Step 2

In your Google Cloud Console dashboard, search for "Service Accounts" and click on it.

Hit the "Create Service Account" button, and enter a service account name. Then, hit the "Done" button.

Copy the email of the service account. You will need that email to invite the service account to your Google Search Console so it can access data from Google Search Console.

Step 3: Create a Google Service Account key file

Click on the Service Account's email, select the "KEYS" tab, then click the "Create new key" button.

A model will pop up. Select "JSON" and click the "Create" button.

After creating the key, Google will download it to your machine. Keep that file. You will need it when adding the Google Service Account to SEO Utils.

Add the Google Service Account to SEO Utils

Open the SEO Utils app on your machine, and locate the App dropdown menu in the top-right corner. You will see the Google Service Accounts menu.

Hit the "Create Account" button and select the key file you downloaded in the previous step.

Congratulations! You have successfully added a Google Service Account to SEO Utils!

Google Service Account's Scopes

You can choose which Google service accounts you want to use on particular sites or for specific tasks by clicking on the Scope row on each account.

By default, a Google Service Account is available for all sites and all tasks.

Available Tasks

Example #1:

With this setting, you are instructing SEO Utils to use this Google Service Account solely for the Google Search Console integration, not for submitting index.

Example #2:

With this setting, SEO Utils will use this account to submit index on larseo.com, but not on tuikhoeconban.com.

Last updated