πŸš€My Go-To SEO Checklist with Google Search Console & GPTs

When I tackle SEO projects, I always start with these steps. They help me decide which keywords and pages need optimization, which ones should be removed, or where to add new content.

Step 1: Download all the query and page data from my Google Search Console account.

Step 2: Go over each prompt individually using my Data Analyzer GPTs. Each prompt includes specific actions, so you'll know exactly what to do.

#1. Prompt: Find keywords that ranked on page 2 but are not mentioned in the title

Action: I add these keywords to the title. It's a simple tweak that can make a big difference.

#2. Prompt: Find keywords that ranked on page 2 but are not mentioned in the meta description Action: I make sure to include these keywords in the meta description for better relevance.

#3. Prompt: Find keywords that ranked on page 2 but are not mentioned in headings

Action: Adding these keywords to the headings helps in better structuring my content.

#4. Prompt: Find keywords that are not mentioned at all, but still ranking

Action: Sprinkle these keywords throughout my content to climb higher in search rankings.

#5. Prompt: Find keywords that have high impressions but are not mentioned.

Action: Ensure these keywords are mentioned in my content as Google already finds them relevant.

#6. Prompt: Find keywords that are getting a lot of impressions, but no or low clicks. These are potential opportunities. A high impression count means your site is showing up in search results, but a low click-through rate suggests that users are not finding your listing relevant or compelling enough to click.

Action: I focus on these keywords more, sometimes creating new content around them. It's all about converting views to clicks.

#7. Prompt: Find keywords that are ranking in position 3-11.

Action: Almost there, just put extra effort into these by optimizing my content and sometimes adding backlinks to boost them further.

#8. Prompt: Find keywords that have low average ranking positions but high CTR.

Actions: These keywords are already doing good in terms of CTR, just need to optimize content to get a higher rank.

#9. Prompt: Find keywords that have high average ranking positions but low CTR.

Action: Working on title or meta description to increase clicks on these well-positioned keywords.

#10. Prompt: Find question keywords that I can add to FAQ sections

Action: Add these to my FAQ section, answering popular queries directly.

#11. Prompt: Find keywords & pages that bring traffic to my site


  • You might find variations of your current keywords or entirely new phrases that you hadn’t considered before.

  • Explore expanding this topic or using a similar approach (content or backlink strategy) for other topics.

  • Consider creating more related content or enhancing existing content around these topics.

#12. Prompt: What are the topics that all keywords are covering? This will help you understand what topics are already covered on the website

Action: Find the topic gap by doing reverse-engineering on competitor's websites

#13. Prompt: Find keyword cannibalization


  • First, I usually ignore the URLs that contain fragment symbols ("#"). GSC considers those URLs are pages, just make sure you have a correct canonical tag on your page.

  • Then, I visit the pages that are ranking the same keywords as other pages and check if they haven't had any traffic in the last 3 months, I will delete them and do a 301 redirect. if you feel the content of the deleted page is good, consider merging its content with the content of the main page.

Output: The GPTs will export the keyword list as a CSV file.

πŸ”‘ If your keyword list is still large after using the prompts, here are some additional tips:

βœ… Add the topic with the prompt. For example, "Find keywords that are not mentioned at all, but still ranking"

βœ… Focus on long-tail keywords first. For example, "Find long-tail keywords that have high average ranking positions but low CTR"

βœ… Focus on search intents. Are your users looking for information, trying to make a purchase, or seeking a specific website? Align your content with the user's intent for the keyword. "For example, Find informational keywords that are ranking in position 3-11"

Pro Tip: With SEO Utils, use the Mentions filter to quickly see if your keyword is in the title, headings, or body of a page.

I hope these tips are useful for you. Cheers! πŸŽ‰πŸ”₯

Last updated