

Released July 26, 2024

  • Fixed the "database is locked" error when visiting a SERP Clustering report with over 60,000 clustered keywords.

  • Only check the DataForSEO and Renting API service balance when credentials are filled out.


Released July 20, 2024

  • Fixed the GMB Rank Tracker tool cannot export report on Windows.


Released July 12, 2024

  • Fixed an issue when exporting a large list of keyword clusters (over 40,000 keywords).


Released July 10, 2024

  • Fixed the exported GMB Rank Tracker report doesn't show the correct ranking.

  • Fixed ranking data is not updated when changing keywords or when the report has a new snapshot.

  • Fixed an issue when exporting a GMB Rank Tracker report after visiting the Bird's Eye view.

  • Show unranked keywords when exporting GMB Rank Tracker report.


Released July 9, 2024

  • Fixed the exported GMB Rank Tracker report doesn't show correct stats.

  • Fixed the "file already closed" issue when exporting the GMR Rank Tracker report.


Released July 7, 2024

  • Added the ability to export selected snapshot instead of the latest snapshot.

  • Add the "Ranking Keywords" tab for the GMB Rank Tracker tool.

  • Fixed the snapshot is stuck when using DFS API in GMB Rank Tracker tool.

  • Fixed styles are not loaded in exported GMB Rank Tracker reports.

  • Fixed the competitors are not loaded when clicking on a grid point.

  • Fixed the average rank badge color is not shown correctly.


Released July 3, 2024

  • Fixed the markers that are not loaded.


Released July 3, 2024

  • Added the ability to export the GMB Rank Tracker report as PDF and HTML.

  • Added Bird's Eye View for the GMB Rank Tracker report.

  • Added the ability to schedule specific days to run the GMB Rank Tracker reports.

  • Added the ability to retry stuck snapshots in the GMB Rank Tracker tool.

  • Added log to show how many tasks are left from DataForSEO API.

  • Added the center map button.

  • Fixed cannot delete the current snapshot when pending.


Released June 26, 2024

  • Added the ability to bulk check search intents of keywords.

  • Fixed an issue when saving a large list of backlinks and traffic data.

  • Fixed an issue when determining keywords to scrape SERP in the SERP Clustering tool.


Released June 25, 2024

  • Added the ability to check the index of URL using Bing Webmaster Tools API.

  • Fixed the position is not set correctly when using proxies to scrape SERP.

  • Added View Google Drive Folder button.

  • Fixed the "Analyze SERP" action that doesn't work when the domain count is over 100.


Released June 24, 2024

  • Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash.


Released June 24, 2024

  • Added the ability to distribute keywords to existing clusters in the SERP Clustering tool.

  • Added the ability to view ranking for a target domain in the SERP Clustering tool.

  • Added SERP Clustering Ranking metric cards.

  • Added the ability to set the primary keyword of a cluster by using CPC.

  • Added the ability to map CPC and Search Intent columns in the SERP Clustering tool.

  • Added HTML sitemap support for the sitemap extractor tool.

  • Added a help text about the HTML sitemap limitation.

  • Added the ability to delete the current snapshot of the GMB Rank Tracker tool.

  • Added rank changes for each marker on the GMB Rank Tracker map.

  • Added cards to the Dashboard page that show your current balances with DataForSEO and the Renting API Service.

  • Show cluster count and non-clustered keyword count, and update the algorithm to not group clusters that have one keyword.

  • Handle auto-zoom better to fit the grid inside the GMB Rank Tracker map.

  • Fixed the query and performance issues when running SERP clustering on a huge set of keywords.

  • Fixed the SERP table doesn't show the correct ranking for child keywords.

  • Fixed the Google Autocomplete tool does not return all keywords in non-UTF-8 charset.


Released June 14, 2024

  • Fixed unknown time zone issue in some systems


Released June 13, 2024

  • Added the ability to set a time window for running scheduled GMB rank tracker reports.

  • Added the ability to add businesses via Google Maps URL.

  • Added validation rule for "Scrape Data With" field.

  • Added the ability to view competitor's ranking on the map.

  • Added the ability to delete multiple selected markers.

  • Added the ability to move one or many markers.

  • Fixed Average Rank calculation.

  • Fixed SERP data is not exported all in the SERP Clustering tool.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash when scraping data from DataForSEO API.


Released June 9, 2024

  • Fixed another issue that causes the GMB rank tracker to run multiple times when the Schedule field is set to Weekly.


Released June 9, 2024

  • Fixed the GMB rank tracker running multiple times when the Schedule field is set to Weekly.

  • Added SERP clustering and SERP analyzing loading indicator on the reports page.

  • Fixed the organic keywords filter that doesn't work with URL.

  • Added the ability to clear cache after saving settings.


Released June 7, 2024

  • Added Google My Business Rank Tracker tool.

  • Moved out the "Analyze SERP" action from the other actions button.


Released May 20, 2024

  • Improved the textarea field when copying data.

  • Do not send a request to DataForSEO if there is no SERP clustering report running.

  • Added a loading indicator for SERP clustering report when running.

  • Added a loading indicator for the Bulk Analysis tool.

  • Added the ability to split requests if the domain count is over 100.

  • Only save organic SERP items when clustering for consistency.

  • Use the new filter syntax from DataForSEO for the include/exclude filters.

  • Renamed Keyword Bulk Analysis to Bulk Keyword Metrics.


Released May 17, 2024

  • Fixed the SERP position is saved as "0".


Released May 17, 2024

  • Added SERP API.

  • Fixed the external search volume that was not ordered correctly when exporting the SERP clustering report.

  • Fixed numbers are exported as a string on the SERP Clustering report.


Released May 15, 2024

  • Fixed the issue where data was not cached correctly in some tools.


Released May 15, 2024

  • Added bulk delete proxies.

  • Added a loading indicator when adding GSC sites.

  • Added default filters for backlinks, traffic, and keyword tools.

  • Added sorting, filtering, and an export button for the backlinks tools.

  • Hide alert: "No available Google service accounts. Stopping further submissions.". Only show it in the log panel.

  • Added Geo Target (UULE) for Bulk Google PAA tool.

  • Removed the draggable attribute from clickable elements in the sidebar and header.

  • Added the ability to clear cached data on Google Drive.


Released May 10, 2024

  • Fixed: The app crashed on the new installation.


Released May 10, 2024

  • Fixed: The volume history chart does not appear in the Bulk Autocomplete report.

  • Added the Legacy Bulk Analysis back.

  • Added back-off time for SERP Clustering tool.

  • Improved UX of set column header button when importing keywords.

  • Fixed the issue when the SERP data sheet is blank.

  • Updated SERP Clustering view to view clusters easily.

  • Added the ability to map external search volume when importing keywords.

  • Added the ability to sort/filter on external search volume.

  • Added the ability to remember the last selection of the check search volume field.

  • Improved the SERP Clustering report export.

  • Fixed the issue where the "Enter License Key" dropdown is not displayed.

  • Added intersection mode for Backlink Gap.


Released May 6, 2024

  • Added an alert message when a keyword is missing SERP data in the SERP clustering report.

  • Added the ability to set the delay time between requests when scraping SERP data for keywords.


Released May 4, 2024

  • Added SERP Clustering tool.

  • Bulk analysis tool and SERP analysis of Keyword Explorer now utilize the Pages Summary endpoint from DataForSEO, which offers an affordable price.

  • Added the ability to enter multiple keywords with an include/exclude filter.

  • Filtered out invalid keywords before checking search volume.

  • Fixed: The Indexed URLs page doesn't refresh the site data after updating the site.

  • Added enter license key menu item.

  • Added pagination for SERP Clustering, Autocomplete, and Google PAA reports.


Released April 24, 2024

This version will delete all the autocomplete keywords due to the database structure changes. If you wish to retain these keywords, please ensure you export them prior to the update. Otherwise, no action is needed.

  • Fixed an issue where some Autocomplete keywords are not saved due to changes in the database structure.


Released April 22, 2024

  • Added Backlink Gap tool.

  • Added the ability to override the re-check & re-submit index behavior of IndexNow.

  • Added the ability to override the re-check & re-submit index behavior of Google Search Console API.

  • Added the ability to set names for Google Service Accounts.

  • Improved UI/UX for editing the GSC site modal and GSC site listing page.

  • Fixed the indexed count indicator is not updated when changing the site.


Released April 17, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where the app crashed due to changes in the database structure.


Released April 17, 2024

  • Added the ability to export and filter the top pages by traffic of a website.

  • Added the ability to import proxies in bulk and enable/disable them.

  • Added a metric card to indicate how many URLs are indexed on Bing.

  • Added the ability to connect many Google Service Accounts for Google Search Console integration.

    • If you have already added a site from Google Search Console, you will need to take this extra step after upgrading to v1.10.0 to continue pulling your keyword data.

  • Added the ability to assign tasks for Google Service Accounts.

  • Added the ability to check keyword search volume, CPC, and keyword difficulty for the Bulk Autocomplete tool.

  • Added the ability to sort the data by clicking on the table column in the Traffic Analysis tool.

  • Validate and fix the date-time error when adding a sitemap URL.

  • Fixed the issue where traffic competitor filters didn't work with the Renting API Key service.

  • Fixed the keyword includes/excludes filters didn't work right when adding multiple keywords.


Released Mar 31, 2024

  • Add the ability to extract keywords from Google/Bing Autocomplete with multiple keyword modifiers and seed keywords.

  • Fix an issue where URLs cannot be imported if the sitemap LastMod date field doesn't include time.

  • Include a "Refresh Site Domains" button for the Google Search Console tool.

  • Add a loading indicator when adding a Google Search Console Site page.

  • Fix the issue where URLs are not displayed when adding a sitemap URL.

  • Allow free users to access the app and use free tools.

  • Implement sitemap URL validation.


Released Mar 22, 2024


Released Mar 4, 2024

  • Sanitized the URL to prevent unexpected formatting errors.

  • Added Google UULE tool.

  • Implemented a new index-checking method using the Google Search Console URL Inspection API.

  • Included filters for the Indexed URLs page.

  • Executed three concurrent requests when checking an index using the "site:url" operator and proxies.

  • Removed the "required" rule for username and password fields when adding a proxy.

  • Provided the option to enable/disable Google Service Accounts.

  • Fixed an issue where the app crashed when entering a license key.


Released Feb 26, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where the app crashed on the new computer.


Released Feb 25, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where sitemap URLs could not be saved if the Last Mod field is empty.


Released Feb 25, 2024

  • Added Auto Indexing tool

  • Automatically check if your sitemap is an index. It will start with the /sitemap_index.xml file and then go through all other XML files to extract every URL.

  • Added Proxy supporting

  • The bulk check mentions feature applies the current filters, allowing you to check mentions for specific keywords instead of checking all keywords.

  • The Page filter in the Google Search Console now loads data asynchronously, preventing the app from freezing when loading more than 10k pages.


Released Feb 4, 2024

  • Added Google PAA Scrapper

  • Add an export button for the Traffic Competitors page

  • Add filters for the Traffic Competitors page

  • Added Avg Position metric for Traffic Competitors page

  • Fixed "Invalid filters" issue for Content Gap


Released Jan 24, 2024

  • Added Content Gap feature

  • Added a new Bulk Analysis feature. Now, you can perform all your bulk analyses in one convenient location

  • Added Linux support

  • Added Word Count filter for Organic Keywords page

  • Added User-Agent "SEO Utils Headless Chrome" when scraping HTML content

  • Made the keyword clustering script downloadable to reduce the app size

  • Fixed the issue where the title extraction functionality returned an incorrect title when checking mentions.


Released Jan 15, 2024

  • Fixed the issue with no windows appearing

  • Fixed the issue that caused the app to crash when there was no backlink data from DataForSEO when checking bulk backlinks


Released Jan 15, 2024

  • Added 15 fresh filters for Organic Keywords.

  • Added 24 new filters for Backlinks.

  • Added a button to export all backlinks.

  • The app now remembers your window size and position for next time.

  • Show a friendly message when there's no DataForSEO data during bulk processes.

  • Added an option to hide "Chat with GSC Data Analyzer".

  • Added "Check Mentions Workers" setting.

  • Added "New Update" badge for latest version alerts.


Released Jan 10, 2024

  • Added Not Mentioned In Title filter for Google Search Console keywords

  • Added Not Mentioned In Meta Description filter for Google Search Console keywords

  • Added Not Mentioned In Headings filter for Google Search Console keywords

  • Added Word Count column and Word Count filter for Google Search Console keywords

  • Added the ability to export all organic keywords instead of the current page

  • Added a button to chat with the GSC Data Analyzer GPT


Released Jan 9, 2024


Released Dec 28, 2023

  • Fixed the issue where it doesn't allow users to use traffic and keyword tools without entering DataForSEO credentials.


Released Dec 27, 2023

  • Fixed the route could not be found issue

  • Fixed the issue when links are not clickable in some places


Released Dec 26, 2023

  • Added Keyword Explorer

  • Added Links card on the Dashboard page

  • Trimmed spaces in the domain/URL before running bulk analysis.


Released Dec 10, 2023

  • Added Bulk Backlinks Analysis

  • Added Bulk Referring Domains Analysis

  • Added Bulk Traffic Analysis

  • Added Bulk Keywords Analysis

  • Fixed the issue when cannot disable the Renting Backlinks API


Released Nov 30, 2023

  • Show the backlink search bar when using renting API Key

  • Added data-sharing support for other endpoints



  • Added self-update button


Added the following features:

  • Backlinks Analytics

  • Traffic Analytics

  • Semantic Keyword Clustering

  • Sitemap Extractor

  • SERP Similarity

Last updated